Frequently Asked Questions
How do I take my Rapid Antigen test?
A step by step guide is provided with every package that guides you through the process.
You must register your kit at the time of taking the test and not before.
Each person taking a test must register separately. Adults can register kits on behalf of children.
When should I order my Rapid Antigen test kit?
You should order a Rapid Antigen kit in plenty of time prior to when you intend to want to know your test status.
What is the delivery time for my test kit?
Any orders that contain up to 10 test kits will be delivered within 3 working days (if ordered before 12pm). For all orders over 10 test kits will be delivered on the next available working day (if ordered before 12pm)
What should I do if my test results is positive?
If your test result is positive you should follow the government advice on the GOV.UK website
What if my test result is unclear or inconclusive?
If the test result is unclear or inconclusive the test result is invalid and a new test will need to be taken/ordered.
I no longer need my test. Can I return it?
Due to Hygiene and safety reasons you are not able to cancel or return the test kit once purchased.
Can I buy multiple kits?
Yes, you can but multiple kits. By buying multiple kits it is more sustainable and cost effective if you do. There is no limit to the number of test kits that can be ordered.
How do I know what the test result is?
Follow the instructions on the instructions leaflet in the test kit and your result will be ready to see after 15 minutes after taking the test. The instruction leaflet will provide details on how to read the result on the LFD.